On the 6th December the members of the SpeakUp club + Erasmus students went on a trip to the theatre in Rzeszów to watch the adaptation of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby.” The main themes of the book, such as love, memory, materialism and class differences, were very visible in the show. The actors did a brilliant job of portraying the main characters, especially the actor who played Nick Carraway – the narrator, and the middle-class cousin of Daisy, who lives next door to the mysterious Jay Gatsby, who throws extravagant parties everyday. Nick gets drawn into the world of money and deception and later on discovers that Gatsby is in love with Daisy Buchanan, his love from the past who is already married to a different man…
The show was absolutely phenomenal, everyone enjoyed it. Every single one of the actors engaged with the audience which, was wonderful and we even had the pleasure to talk to them after the show.
We would like to thank Zespół Szkół Ponadpodstawowych Nr 1 im. Jana Szczepanika w Krośnie that we could join them on this experience.