Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE)
Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) 2021-2027
Erasmus+ Policy Statement (EPS)

Participation in the Erasmus+ programme in 2021-2027 will allow the State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno to continue the implementation of principles that we followed in the Erasmus and Erasmus+ Programmes. International mobility and exchange of educational experience will help the efforts to make our educational offer more attractive and to harmonize its standards with other European universities. By increasing the number of Erasmus+ exchange students and teachers, both outgoing and incoming, we wish to make our institution more visible and active in the European Higher Education Area. To achieve this goal, the State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno will follow its internal internationalization strategy and will take action to:
• sign new bilateral agreements with foreign partners,
• develop our educational offer taught in English
• make efforts to enter into strategic partnerships with foreign university
As a College offering vocational education, we will take advantage of the Erasmus+ action promoting student placement in enterprises. Contacts with foreign partners in business and industry will make the vocational training we offer more practical and market-oriented and allow our graduates to be competitive on the European job market. Previous experience will help to achieve this goal.
In cooperation with East Carolina University we became part of the Global Partners in Education Program which is based on distance learning. State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno considers all international projects made possible by the Erasmus+ programme highly valuable. The authorities of the College pledge to support and facilitate all actions taken by academic teachers and administrators towards the realization of projects within the Erasmus+ programme. All Erasmus+ activities are and will continue to be publicised in the College’s bulletin and the local press, as well as on our web page.
The Status of State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno, endorsed by the Senate of the School and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science of the Republic of Poland, declares that the institution will comply with all non-discrimination objectives defined in Polish law. The introduction and upkeep of disabled facilities is seen in our Institution as a duty and a means of integrating disabled students and staff. To ensure greater social and economic cohesion of students, a system of social stipends has been introduced. Our effort to internationalise the educational experience of our students is the most effective means of combating xenophobia and racism. The International Relations Office of CSC is a body that looks after equal treatment of students of all ethnic and national backgrounds.
The International Relations Office, presided over by the Rector’s Deputy for International Cooperation, who is also the Institutional Erasmus Coordinator, is the College’s main agency ensuring high quality of academic mobility activities. The International Relations Office is responsible for a smooth and effective supervision of all activities related to student and teacher mobility.
In each department, there is an Erasmus+ contact person to facilitate communication with staff and students and enhance the effectiveness of operations. In cooperation with other agencies of the College, the International Relations Office and its contact persons in departments look in particular after:
• promoting Erasmus+ student mobility and teacher mobility (web page, printed materials, information meetings, regular reports to the Senate of the College)
• recruiting candidates for Erasmus+ student mobility and teacher mobility (preparation and distribution of application forms, forming recruitment committees)
• ensuring that recruitment criteria are clear and are observed,
• counselling outgoing students and helping them with the registration process,
• publishing of curricula with ECTS points on website basing on information provided by specific departments,
• with cooperation with secretary offices, a full recognition of credits obtained by students returning from Erasmus+ study periods,
• integrating incoming students with the help of local students,
• organizing language courses for outgoing and incoming students,
• preparing and dispatching of transcripts of records for incoming students,
• arranging dormitory accommodation for incoming students,
• arranging hotel accommodation for incoming staff visitors,
• supervising the preparation of teaching arrangements for incoming staff members,
• ensuring the recognition of teaching periods by outgoing staff members.
Quality of student placement activities:
As a College offering vocational education, the CSC is experienced in sending students to Polish businesses and enterprises for their work-placement periods. All students are required to spend a defined period of time at a work-placement related to their field of studies. Thanks to the Erasmus+ programme, internship can be completed in the institution abroad. Students must find a work-placement enterprise on their own. However, the College publishes some offers of placements on its website. An agreement defining the nature of the placement and the responsibilities of both the student and the receiving institution is always signed by the College and that institution. Students are required to write regular reports on their work and have them accepted by their mentor and advisor in Poland. Work-placements longer than those required by the curriculum are recognised and credited in the student’s transcript of records.
State University of Applied Sciences in Krosno wishes to take advantage of the work-placement action within the Erasmus+ programme and develop international work-placement mobility. Our experience and the procedures we have developed for student placements in Polish institutions have been adapted to the specific needs of international placements. As vocational training is one of the key aspects of the College’s teaching offer, it is vital to ensure proper level of Erasmus+ students internship possibilities.