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Zagadnienia do egzaminu dyplomowego w roku akademickim 2022/2023
Filologia w zakresie Filologia angielska
Pytania ogólne z językoznawstwa stosowanego/metodyki nauczania języków obcych na egzamin dyplomowy w roku akademickim 2022/23
Dr Agnieszka Habrat
- Present the structure of a PPP and ESA lesson and explain the role of the particular parts
- Are lesson plans necessary? Justify your answer.
- Describe five teacher roles and explain why a teacher might take up these roles.
- What criteria would you take into consideration while evaluating a course book or other teaching materials? Why is it worth supplementing or adapting a course book to the needs of a class?
- Discuss teaching grammar to different age groups – take into consideration approaches, methods and techniques.
- How to present grammar structures successfully? What aspects need to be covered? What is the role of situational context?
- Discuss common sources of error and techniques of error correction.
- What is the role of assessment? What forms of assessment do you know?
- Explain the differences between the following types of tests: proficiency, achievement, placement, diagnostic. What are the criteria for good tests?
- Discuss the role of the age factor in L2 acquisition.
- What are the affective factors in SLA? Present briefly their role.
- Discuss the role and major typologies of motivation in Second Language Acquisition.
- What makes teaching English to young learners different from teaching English to older age learners? Present the major characteristics of primary-school children as foreign language learners.
- Present the principles of planning English lessons for primary children
- What are the sources of discipline problems?
- Explain the following concepts, relevant to teaching culture in a FL class: enculturation, acculturation, culture shock, ethnocentrism
- Discuss pros and cons of using IT (information technology) in language learning
Pytania praktyczne
- Suggest some useful techniques for teaching listening
- Suggest some useful techniques for teaching speaking
- Suggest some useful techniques for teaching writing
- Suggest some useful techniques for teaching reading
- What is the role of pre-reading and pre-listening activities? Illustrate your answer with some examples
- Why is using stories worthwhile in teaching English to young learners? Present the most popular techniques of teaching English through stories.
- Explain the pros and cons of lockstep, pairwork and groupwork as patterns of classroom interaction. What stage of a lesson would you recommend each type for?
- What are the principles of giving effective class instructions? Should they be given in L2?
- Present five techniques of introducing elements of foreign culture in a language course.
- Give examples of websites and applications that can be used in collaborative language learning. Briefly evaluate each.
- Give examples of interactive language tasks designed with word-processing (Microsoft WORD) and presentation software (Microsoft PowerPoint).
- What is task-based teaching? Present the framework of the method and types of tasks. Give an example of a TBT lesson.
- How to prevent and deal with discipline problems? Give some examples to show how class management and discipline problems may be related
- What is the point of recycling vocabulary? Describe three classroom activities.
- Give an example of presenting grammar or vocabulary in situations.
- Describe three activities in order to demonstrate different ways in which you could use visuals in the classroom
Seminarium językowo-kulturowe
Dr Anna Rewiś-Łętkowska
- The Saussurean Dichotomies (langue vs parole, synchronic vs diachronic, syntagmatic vs paradigmatic, signifiant vs signifie)
- Polysemy and homonymy (definitions, examples)
- Speech functions (types, examples) )
- Speech Act theory (locution, illocution, perlocution, types of illocutionary acts)
- Politeness theory (positive and negative face/politeness, FTA, FSA)
- The Cooperative Principle (Grice’s maxims)
- Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
- What is the linguistic worldview?
- The assumptions of the cognitive definition
- Primary Commitments of Cognitive Linguistics
- Categorization in Cognitive Linguistics (prototypes, better and worse members, family resemblance)
- Language and embodiment
- Conceptual metaphors and conceptual metonymies (features in common and differences)
Seminarium językoznawcze
dr hab. prof. PANS Alicja Witalisz
- Discuss word-formation processes in English; provide examples
- Discuss types of semantic change. Provide examples.
- Discuss derivation vs. inflection in English. Provide examples of derivational and inflectional affixes
- Discuss types of morphemes in English; provide examples
- Discuss conceptual and pragmatic meaning; provide examples
- Discuss sense relations: hyponymy, meronymy, synonymy, antonymy; provide examples
- Discuss componential analysis as a method of defining lexical meaning; provide examples
- Discuss the phenomena of polysemy and homonymy; provide examples
- Discuss major classes of verbs in English: intensive verbs, intransitive, mono-/di-/complex transitive, prepositional verbs
- Discuss the historical development of English vocabulary
- Discuss natural and artificial languages; provide examples
- Discuss arbitrariness as a unique feature of language
- Discuss the following concepts: specialized language, argot, idiolect; provide examples
- Discuss direct and indirect speech acts; provide examples
- Discuss the following concepts: displacement, cultural transmission, language productivity
- Discuss F. de Saussure’s definition of language: langue and parole
- Discuss F. de Saussure’s concept of linguistic sign: signifie and signifiant
- Discuss the theory of semantic fields; provide examples
- Discuss the basic functions of language
- Discuss the Proto-Indo-European language family; discuss comparative linguistics
Przykładowe pytania aplikacyjne:
- Jak wykorzysta Pan/Pani w przyszłej pracy zawodowej nabytą podczas pisania pracy dyplomowej świadomość dwuznaczności językowej?
- Jakie są możliwości praktycznego wykorzystania w przyszłej pracy zawodowej wyników Pana/Pani pracy dyplomowej?
- Jak wykorzysta Pan/Pani w przyszłej pracy zawodowej nabytą podczas pisania pracy dyplomowej umiejętność analizy i syntezy przeciwstawnych poglądów?
- Jak użyje Pan/Pani zbadane strategie przekładowe zastosowane w pracy dyplomowej do wykonania przykładowego zadania w pracy zawodowej?
- W jakim stopniu tematyka Pana/Pani pracy umożliwi Panu/Pani modyfikację planu lekcji w przypadku nieprzewidzianych problemów związanych z poziomem uczniów?
- Jak Pana/Pani praca przygotowuje Pana/Panią do zastosowania właściwych technik poprawiania błędów i odpowiedniego testowania wiedzy uczniów?
- Jak tematyka Pana/Pani pracy pomoże Panu/Pani w rozwiązywaniu problemów z dyscypliną podczas nauczania języka angielskiego?
- W jaki sposób wyniki Pana/Pani pracy / umiejętności zdobyte podczas przygotowywania pracy przyczynić się mogą do rozwiązania przykładowego problemu, który może Pan/Pani napotkać w pracy zawodowej?
- Które z technik omawianych w Pana/Pani pracy wydają się Panu/Pani najbardziej potrzebne w przyszłej pracy zawodowej?
- Proszę podać dwa przykłady sytuacji zawodowych, w których będzie można zastosować wyniki Pani/Pana pracy licencjackiej?