Our programme in English Philology offers its graduates an opportunity to gain fluent command of English at the level of C1 (all specializations), in accordance with the requirements of Common European Framework for Reference in Languages, and (only in the case of the English and Spanish specialization) the ability to communicate in Spanish at the level of B1

About English Philology


English Philology


First-cycle licentiate studies


6 semesters


licentiate degree


full-time and part-time

Information about the programme

The first year of English Studies serves to improve the students’ English skills. After completing the first year, the students choose one of the three programmes:

Teaching programme – enables the students to obtain teaching qualifications that allow them to work as an English teacher at public, private or language school. The only condition is graduating from a two-year master’s degree programme.

Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) programme – enables the students to operate the professional English, also in the field of translation. It develops the translating skills and allows the students to gain an internship experience in that field. The classes are conducted by skilled translators.

Business programme with Spanish – prepares the students to work in various economy sectors, especially in foreign companies that have their subsidiaries in  Poland. This specialization introduces the students into the international business field and provides them with English language prowess. It also introduces Spanish language skills into the study programme


Students need to complete 24 weeks of internship (semester 3, 4, 5, 6).

Teacher education programme – in state schools and private language schools and education institutions,

Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) programme – in translation agencies and companies such as employment agencies, cultural institutions (museums, libraries, community centres, etc.), small or medium-sized enterprises, offices – wherever knowledge of specialised English and the ability to translate are required,

Business programme with Spanish – corporations and small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as offices where knowledge of business language is required.

As students also have the opportunity to take part in internships abroad (as part of the ERASMUS programme), their experience, knowledge and skills gained during such trips are an extra advantage.

Alumni opinions

My name is Aleksandra Kmąk, I am a graduate of English Philology who specialized in teaching. I remember my three years at the Carpathian State College in Krosno very well, both from the practical and purely sentimental side. On the practical side, these studies have certainly helped me to improve my language skills. The study programme places a very strong emphasis on actively polishing the language, which can help those who are less confident in their skills. Any shortcomings, whether in language use or linguistic 'confidence', can be made up for during the course of study. The more theoretical subjects, related to the cultural aspect of the English language, I recall equally well - I could find something compelling in each of them. Turning to the sentimental side, the main advantage of the Carpathian State College in Krosno is the pleasant atmosphere. The instructors treat students like people, not as numbers. Regardless of the situation, I was always able to count on kindness and understanding. I highly recommend studying Philology at this college. If I were to choose a second time now, I certainly wouldn’t make a different choice.

The English Philology major at the Carpathian State College in Krosno is an excellent choice for anyone wishing to study English in depth. It offers many interesting and useful subjects, taught by qualified lecturers. Particularly interesting are the video conferences with university students from other countries during Global Understanding classes. Anyone wishing to improve their level of English should take an interest in the English Philology programme offered by the Carpathian State College in Krosno.

My name is Yusuf, I studied my bachelor's at KPU as a full time student at the English Philology department. My Krosno KPU adventure started in a slightly different way. At first, I came to study as an Erasmus student from Turkey, Selçuk University. It was a temporary study but the aura in Krosno had already caught me and I decided to continue as a full time student. Therefore, I wrote a request letter to the head of department, who was really helpful and made it super easy for me to transfer to the college. One of the reasons why I wanted to study at KPU was that there were many events for students, such as Juwenalia, social projects, international student parties and many more, you name it! Moreover, the education at the college was super advanced. The lecturers and professors were so helpful, and the students were super friendly, which inspired me to recommend the college to everyone who wants to have a beautiful student life along with professional education. KPU might be a small college but the education level is very advanced. I would highly recommend it! Life in Krosno is a bit slow when compared to bigger cities but studying with international Erasmus students, having foreign students as guests and the fact that there is always an event for students make it more enjoyable. The college offers dormitories and student houses with very low fees. Even if there is no room available for you, they will do their best to find you a place to stay. So, you don’t have to worry about the accommodation. If you are considering studying at KPU, I would say that it is a great colleges that can add up to your career, social experiences and future. Currently I work at SALESmanago, Europe’s fastest growing CDXP & Marketing Automation software company as a salesman and business development manager.

I completed my licentiate degree in English Philology in Krosno in 2017. I have very fond memories of these three years. The lecturers were highly committed and knowledgeable, and the study programme included a lot of practical classes. The offer of elective classes was attractive (e.g. simultaneous translation, technical translation). Most of the classes were held using an e-learning platform, which was quite convenient. At the Carpathian State College in Krosno, I also started my Spanish language adventure in the English Philology with Spanish specialisation - the only specialisation of this kind in our region, combining the two most popular world languages. The Carpathian State College in Krosno is committed to openness and international contacts. During the course of our studies, we had weekly online discussions with students from friendly foreign universities (from the USA, Lebanon and Peru) and worked together on projects. We also had the opportunity to host a group of students from the USA in Krosno and spend a few days exploring the area together, as well as take care of guests from Hungary, Spain and Russia during the annual International Youth Festival organised in conjunction with the Krosno Students' Days. Currently, I am an English teacher and I am preparing for the DELE exam in Spanish. I recommend studies at the Carpathian State College in Krosno to all those interested in English Philology.

When I chose the English Philology major at the Carpathian State College in Krosno, I was no different from other freshers and I had my concerns about my studies, but now I can say that it was a good choice. The opportunities for development beyond the compulsory classes are enormous and everyone will find at least one thing that interests them - international conferences, connections with universities from all over the world, the English Scientific Circle, the Erasmus+ exchange programme are just the beginning. In addition to gaining theoretical knowledge, you can get excellent training in the art of speaking, make new friends with people from every corner of the globe, and promote your country. As it is at college, learning is part and parcel of everyday life, but the consideration and communication skills of all the lectures are great advantages of the Carpathian State College in Krosno

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ul. Żwirki i Wigury 9a

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ul. Słowackiego 6

Frequently asked questions:

Studia na kierunku Filologia w zakresie Filologii angielskiej to:

  • szeroka współpraca z renomowanymi uczelniami krajowymi i zagranicznymi,
  • zajęcia prowadzone przez doświadczonych wykładowców-praktyków z Polski i z zagranicy,
  • aktywny udział w europejskim programie wymiany studenckiej ERASMUS,
  • członkostwo w programie Global Partners in Education, w ramach którego studenci biorą udział w programach Global Understanding,
    Global Business, oraz
    Global Education,
  • udział w ogólnopolskich i międzynarodowych konferencjach studenckich,
  • współorganizacja międzynarodowych konferencji Across Borders
    Communication Styles,
  • działalność studenckiego Koła Naukowego SpeakUp!,
  • bogata infrastruktura: laboratoria językowe, tłumaczeniowe i komputerowe, a także nowoczesna biblioteka i czytelnia z bogatymi zbiorami książek i czasopism anglojęzycznych,
  • udział w wydarzeniach kulturalnych oraz wyjazdy na wizyty studyjne, np. udział w dniach otwartych instytucji europejskich w Brukseli.

Studia na kierunku Filologia w zakresie Filologii angielskiej są studiami I stopnia, nauka trwa 6 semestrów, a po złożeniu odpowiednich egzaminów uzyskuje się tytuł licencjata.

Po ukończeniu studiów: studenci, którzy wybiorą specjalność nauczycielską, mogą pracować jako nauczyciel / trener / lektor języka obcego (po ukończeniu studiów nauczycielskich II stopnia); studenci, którzy wybiorą specjalność języki specjalistyczne, mogą znaleźć pracę w charakterze tłumacza tekstów specjalistycznych, np. w biurach tłumaczeń, korporacjach czy małych i średnich przedsiębiorstwach oraz urzędach i instytucjach kultury, a także mogą pracować jako tłumacze na zasadzie freelance;

Tak, utworzenie grupy uzależnione jest od liczby kandydatów.

W trakcie studiów po spełnieniu określonych wymagań student może starać się o liczne formy wsparcia. Pomoc materialna to: stypendium socjalne - przyznawane jest studentowi, który znajduje się w trudnej sytuacji materialnej; wysokość stypendium uzależniona jest od dochodu; stypendium dla osób niepełnosprawnych - przyznawane jest bez względu na wysokość dochodu; stawka dofinansowania uzależniona jest od stopnia niepełnosprawności osoby, która się o nie ubiega; stypendium Rektora - może je otrzymać osoba, która uzyskała w poprzednim roku akademickim wysoką średnią ocen bądź posiada znaczące osiągnięcia naukowe, artystyczne lub sportowe; stypendium „Pigonia” - stypendium przyznawane jest studentom za wyniki w nauce; zapomoga - jest to doraźna, bezzwrotna pomoc finansowa, przyznawana na wniosek studenta, który znalazł się przejściowo w trudnej sytuacji życiowej. Urlop studencki – każdy student może ubiegać się o urlop krótkoterminowy (nieprzekraczający jednego semestru) lub długoterminowy (roczny). Kredytu studenckiego udziela bank i spółdzielcze kasy oszczędnościowo-kredytowe. Kredyt można otrzymać tylko raz w trakcie trwania studiów, jednak na okres nie dłuższy niż 6 lat. IOS - jest specjalnym trybem organizacji zajęć oraz sesji egzaminacyjnej kończącej semestr. Indywidualna Organizacja Studiów została przygotowana dla studentów, których sytuacja rodzinna czy zawodowa uniemożliwia kontynuowanie toku studiów na ogólnych zasadach.

Studia stacjonarne oraz stacjonarne 26+ są bezpłatne; studia niestacjonarne – wysokość opłaty semestralnej na poszczególnych kierunkach studiów za usługi edukacyjne związane z kształceniem na studiach niestacjonarnych dostępna jest na stronie w zakładce "Najważniejsze informacje": https://pans.krosno.pl/rekrutacja/

W czasie studiów możesz brać udział w kursach i szkoleniach poszerzających swoją wiedzę i umiejętności https://pans.krosno.pl/studia-podyplomowe-i-kursy/ Erasmus+ - to program unijny, który umożliwia studentom naukę za granicą. W programie uczestniczy ponad 70 uczelni. Dzięki Erasmusowi masz okazję nie tylko uczyć się w innym kraju, ale także poznać jego kulturę, nauczyć się nowych języków. Koła naukowe - na uczelni funkcjonuje ponad 20 studenckich kół naukowych, w których każdy student może poszerzać swoje zainteresowania i zdobywać doświadczenie w wielu dziedzinach. Poza zajęciami, członkowie kół odbywają zajęcia w terenie, uczestniczą w obozach naukowo-szkoleniowych, konferencjach, kursach i sympozjach. Realizują projekty naukowo-badawcze, nawiązują kontakty z przedstawicielami otoczenia społeczno-gospodarczego, często prowadzące do podjęcia pierwszej pracy.