Instructions for authors

Submitted texts are subject to scientific reviews. The reviewer’s assessment is the basis for the decision whether to accept the text for publication. Therefore, papers must meet the requirements regarding new papers. The editor reserves the right to make corrections and send them back to the authors for approval. Articles should be sent electronically to the editorial address:

The text of the article (up to 12 pages including figures and tables) should be written in Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1.5 with 0 spacing before and after paragraph. Subsequent paragraphs should start with an indentation of 1.25 or a space (one blank line). All margins  should be standard – 2.5 cm.

The abstract in English should include the title, purpose of the paper, main thesis, and the methods used. Font of the abstract: Times New Roman 10, right and left justified, line spacing 1.5.

References to the literature should follow the template provided in the footnotes section.

Tables along with the titles and figures with captions should be submitted in a separate file, they can be placed additionally in the text of the article or marked only with a suggested place of their occurrence.

Article structure

Title: in Polish, below in English (Times New Roman 14, bold, centred)

First and last name of the author(s) (Times New Roman 12, centred).

Affiliation with postal address, full name of the institution, email address. (Times New Roman 12, justified to the left margin)

Abstract in Polish and English (100-200 words), key words in Polish and English (3-8); (Times New Roman 10, justified).

Introduction (Preface) (Times New Roman 12, justified to the left margin).

Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Summary/Conclusions, Literature (centered)

The classic division of a scientific article can be disregarded in the case of a review publication.


The literature citation in the text necessary when referring to information from external sources is implemented by providing the number of the item in the references in square brackets, e.g. [1].

Formatting requirements for tables, figures, and diagrams

Arabic numbering, e.g. Table 1, Diagram 1, Figure 1. The description of tables should be above, and in the case of figures and diagrams, below the given item. Titles of Tables, Diagrams and Figures should be provided in Polish and English. Font: Times New Roman 11, alignment to the left edge. Contents of Tables, Diagrams and Figures: Times New Roman 10.

Requirements concerning the references

The list of literature items should be in Times New Roman 11, alignment to both edges. Each entry should include the authors’ names, title, publishing house, place and year of publication or name of the journal, year, volume number and page numbers.
In the case of several items by the same author published in the same year, the numbers should be supplemented by consecutive letters of the alphabet. When there are three or more named authors of a publication, the first author should be listed, followed by “et al.” When there are two authors, both names are mentioned joined by a conjunction “and.”

References should be provided according to the following layout:

  1. Book items – author’s surname and first name initials, title of the work, publishing house, place and year of publication, e.g.:

Piłatowska M., Modelowanie niestacjonarnych procesów ekonomicznych. Studium metodologiczne, Wydawnictwo UMK, Toruń 2002.

  • Book chapters – author’s surname and first name initials, chapter title, [in:] title of the work, (ed.) name initials and surname of the scientific editor, publishing house, place and year of publication, e.g.:

Mizon G.E., Progressive Modelling of Macroeconomic Time series: the LSE Methodology, [w:] Macroeconomics: Developments, Tensions and Prospects, (ed.) K.D. Hoover, Kluver Academic Press, Dordrecht 2006.

  • Journal articles – author’s surname and first name initials, title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication, volume and full page range, e.g.:

Wiktorowska-Owczarek A., Przeciwutleniające właściwości pomidora (Lycopersicum esculentum L.), Postępy Fitoterapii, 2013, 3, pp. 195-199.

  • Websites – author’s surname and first name initials, title of the work, year of publication, e.g.:

Różański H., Taraxacum – mniszek w fitoterapii w świetle współczesnych badań; mniszek a nowotwory i wirusy – czyżby sprzyjał?!, 2009, (as of 6 March)

The items included in the literature list should be ordered according to the order of references in the text.

Additional comments!

Mathematical symbols, Greek letters and foreign language characters should only be inserted in accordance with the Unicode font table.

Where it is necessary to include text written in alphabets other than Latin (Cyrillic, Arabic, Hebrew), Unicode fonts should be used.

Abbreviations should always be explained at the first occurrence of the abbreviated term in the text (this also applies to the abstract). Apart from exceptional circumstances, abbreviations should not be used in the title of the paper.

The superscript and subscript should be formatted so that they can be seen correctly (m2 , H2SO4).

Do not use the word splitting algorithm (it is advisable to disable this function).

Use a uniform way of writing dates, e.g. 17/01/2010, or 17 January 2010.

Punctuation marks should be placed immediately after the last letter/digit; a space should be used after the punctuation mark (correct: abc, bca).

Use correct inverted commas, with no space between the inverted commas and the text (correct: “abc”).


As a condition of publishing an article, the editor must be provided with a written declaration (Copyright Transfer Declaration) that the author(s) hold full copyright to the text, tables and figures contained in the article. Authors are required to obtain prior written permission to use any copyrighted material in the article. With a view to the truthfulness of the published data on the authors’ contribution to the articles and to avoid ghostwriting and guest authorship, authors are obliged, in accordance with the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, to indicate third parties in the process of writing the article and to disclose the contribution of individual persons by stating the percentage contribution. In the case of ghostwriting and guest authorship, the Editorial Board will inform the scientific unit employing the author, the associations of which the author is a member, and other scientific centres and journal editors.

1) Ghostwriting occurs when a contribution to an article has been made by a person not named in the list of authors or in the acknowledgements.

2) Guest authorship occurs when an article was written without the contribution of a person listed in the list of authors or that person made a negligible contribution to the publication in question.